Why Robots and Additive Manufacturing Go Together
3D printing and robots enable one another. We miss the possibilities of one if we do not consider the other. The combination includes AM for end effectors, robots for 3D printing parts, and different modes of metal and plastic production.
Read MoreAI-Driven Adaptive Manufacturing Software Aims to Self-Correct 3D Printing (Includes Video)
The AI software platform Blacksmith from Markforged shares feedback from its cloud-connected fleet of printers to identify and correct distortions in a 3D-printed part.
WatchHow MSP and Renishaw Cut 3T-am's Part Setup Time and Improved Productivity
MSP recently worked with Renishaw PLC to automate part setup and improve productivity for additive manufacturing firm 3T-am, helping to cut part setup time from 5 hours to 10 minutes.
Read MoreFagor Automation Additive Pack Provides Multi-Process Support
RAPID 2020: Fagor Automation’s Additive Pack, featured on the 8065 CNC system, enables open design and multi-process support.
Read MoreThyssenkrupp's Low-Risk Venture into 3D Printing Began with the End Effector
Thyssenkrupp Bilstein of America's investment in additive manufacturing technology has been relatively low-risk and low-cost. And yet, layer by layer, the wins are adding up.
Read MoreThe Hidden Complexities of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Lincoln Electric Additive Solutions’ robotic metal 3D printing process is a choreographed dance between welding, robots, automation, heat management and machining. The new venture may have a distinct advantage in the field: its parent company’s 125 year-old legacy.
Read MoreRobot Is Production Solution for Laser Metal Deposition
The move from prototyping to production might involve a move from machine tool to robot, but development work between Formalloy and the robot suppliers means the process and programming do not have to change.
Read MoreRobots, Assemble! A New Path to Autonomous Mobile 3D Printing
Robot swarms may sound alarming, but research at the University of Arkansas reveals that they may enable a new, ultra-efficient era of automated manufacturing and 3D printing.
WatchThe Promise of Robotic Metal Additive Manufacturing
Addere’s robot-based laser system builds using standard weld wire. The company was spawned from a robot integrator, and that background has been valuable for both overcoming the challenges and perceiving the possibilities of using a robot for metal 3D printing.
Read MoreAutomated 3D Printing at Evco: Composites, Cobots, Email and More
Injection molder Evco has long seen the importance of industrial automation for plastics processing. Its latest automation feat? A cobot-tended cell of 3D printers for manufacturing fixtures and customer products unattended.
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