Evatronix EviXscan 3D Scanner Offers Wide Scanning Range
Formnext 2022: The eviXscan 3D - WideRange 65 provides optimal scan point density (54 points/mm2) to give a good representation of the shape of the detail.
Evatronix SA, a Polish manufacturer of 3D scanners, has launched the eviXscan 3D - Wide Range 65 scanner which offers a wide scanning range, enabling users to quickly scan a large workpiece.
“Our goal is to create a series of structured light scanners with a very wide scanning range. With the development of camera and projector technology, 3D scanning technology is also developing,” says Damian Dziura, R&D manager at Evatronix. “The new high-resolution matrices used in the cameras make it possible to obtain enough 3D points with a large scanning range to make such scanners meaningful. Point density is a very key feature of a scanner, as it affects the accuracy of the representation of defects on a part.”
The company says more and more requests are coming in to scan larger and larger objects such as car body frames. “The Wide Range 65 is the first model in a series of wide-range scanners where we were able to achieve very high measurement accuracy against such a large scanning area,” Dziura says.
The eviXscan 3D WideRange 65 scanner was designed for precise quality control of large parts in the shortest possible time. The scanning range of the WideRange 65 is 575 × 290 × 240 mm (22.5" × 11.5" × 9.5") which, with a time of 1.2 sec. for a single scan, enables the entire detail to be scanned in a short time. It is said the high resolution of the cameras (8.9 Mpix) makes it possible to achieve very good scanning results with such a large range. The WideRange 65 provides optimal scan point density (54 points/mm2), which gives a good representation of the shape of the detail.
Another key advantage of a scanner with such a large scanning range is that in one shot (one scan) it can include many of the necessary features on which measurements need to be taken. When using such a scanner on a production line, it makes a difference how long users keep a workpiece for scanning.
Minimizing the number of scans needed during quality control (QC) is a very important factor on production lines, where there is generally limited time for scanning and generating a QC report. The ability to easily integrate with a collaborative robot enables full automation of the scanning and QC process.
The WideRange line of scanners will be systematically expanded with larger scanning areas to enable scanning larger and larger parts with the highest possible accuracy.
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