Polymer Perspective

Italian Furniture Maker Uses WASP Technology to Create 3D Printed Pendant Lamps

The versatility of 3D printed ceramic enabled the designers to shape a weave reminiscent of the beehive concept, enhanced by the light source.


These lampshades were 3D printed by WASP using its large-scale Liquid Deposition Modeling (LDM) 3D printers. Source: Paolo Castelli Spa

These lampshades were 3D printed by WASP using its large-scale Liquid Deposition Modeling (LDM) 3D printers. Source: Paolo Castelli Spa

The World’s Advanced Saving Project (WASP) worked with Italian furniture company Paolo Castelli Spa for the creation of a unique 3D printed ceramic suspension lamp named “Haibu,” which features light, 3D printing and the functional versatility of stoneware.

These outdoor lighting system lampshades were 3D printed by WASP using its large-scale Liquid Deposition Modeling (LDM) 3D printers, successfully translating the designer's concept into a real product through computational design. Haibu Suspension is part of the Acquerello Collection and is available in two versions, either more elongated and taper-shaped or lower and wider.

Pushing the Boundaries of Ceramic 3D Printing

When Paolo Castelli Spa reached out to WASP, the challenge was to find a way to translate the idea of an interwoven hive into a tangible and reproducible product. Through computational design, a parametric model optimized for LDM 3D printing was created, enabling the initial concept to take physical form. The manufacturing of the ceramic lamps was carried out by WASP using two of its large-scale LDM 3D printers: the WASP 40100 LDM and WASP 3MT LDM.

The manufacturing of the ceramic lamps was carried out by WASP using two of its large-scale LDM 3D printers: the WASP 40100 LDM and WASP 3MT LDM. Source: WASP

The manufacturing of the ceramic lamps was carried out by WASP using two of its large-scale LDM 3D printers: the WASP 40100 LDM and WASP 3MT LDM. Source: WASP

To achieve the desired effect and size for the lamps, WASP says computational model that was developed pushed the boundaries of LDM 3D printing, depositing a significant portion of the material completely in midair. As the material is printed and dried, it spontaneously falls back on itself, thus creating a pattern of slits that allow gentle beams of light to escape. The result is a warm and welcoming design that invites people to experience moments of relaxation in the open air.

Sustainability and Cutting-Edge Technology

Haibu Suspension was first presented at Salone del Mobile 2024 in Milan. As stated by its designer, Vittorio Paradiso, an important goal in the creation of Haibu was to create a product that was not only innovative but also sustainable in both its materials and production. Being made entirely of ceramic, the pendant lamps are crafted from natural materials, making them an eco-friendly choice that minimizes pollution. The versatility of ceramic enabled the designers to shape a weave reminiscent of the beehive concept, enhanced by the light source.

WASP is an Italian company that says it has developed a range of 3D printers to answer human needs such as food, housing, health, energy, work, art and culture. Inspired by the Potter Wasp, which builds its own nest with material recovered from the surrounding environment, WASP was born with the aim of developing large-scale 3D printers to build houses with natural materials and available on the territory. The company aims is to provide effective benefits to humans through technological innovation and research.

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