Snapmaker 2.0 Offers Filament Runout Recovery
The Snapmaker 2.0 comes in three sizes capable of 3D printing, laser engraving and CNC carving, all of which are features upgraded from the first Snapmaker model.
Read MoreThe Promise of Robotic Metal Additive Manufacturing
Addere’s robot-based laser system builds using standard weld wire. The company was spawned from a robot integrator, and that background has been valuable for both overcoming the challenges and perceiving the possibilities of using a robot for metal 3D printing.
Read MoreWire Arc Additive Manufacturing Delivers Low Buy-To-Fly Ratios
Manufacturers in the aerospace industry buy expensive raw material with one common goal: to make it fly. To reduce its buy-to-fly ratio (the ratio of material inputs to final part output), this company turned to wire arc additive manufacturing to create near-net shape parts.
Read MoreAre Crystals the Key to 3D Printing with Silicon Carbide?
If SiC was easier and cheaper to apply, we would find many more uses for this hard, lightweight ceramic. Researchers have found a promising additive manufacturing approach, with crystal growth as the bonding mechanism.
Read MoreJabil’s Additive Materials Innovation Center: First Look
Additive Manufacturing Media was the first press to tour the Chaska, Minnesota, facility originally intended to be a clandestine additive manufacturing (AM) materials lab. What this capacity means for Jabil and 3D printing users.
Read MoreNXT Factory Unveils Quantum Laser Sintering System
NXT Factory has unveiled the final version of the QLS 350, a powder-based additive manufacturing (AM) quantum laser sintering system designed for low and medium volume production for the injection molding industry.
Read MoreHow to Choose a Debinding Fluid for Metal 3D Printing
Binder jetting and feedstock extrusion depend on binders that are ultimately sacrificial. MicroCare offers factors to consider in selecting a debinding fluid for these metal additive manufacturing processes.
Read MoreAddere Offers Laser Wire 3D Printing Services
Addere is now using its laser wire system to offer 3D printing services in addition to developing and selling its additive manufacturing machines.
Read MoreSBI Unveils M3DP Metal AM System for Serial Production
SBI has announced its metallic 3D printing (M3DP) system, a wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) process that uses a plasma arc and welding wire.
Read MoreAdditive Manufacturing with Wire
This system has the benefits of cheaper cost and easier handling. But there can be some drawbacks as well.
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