WMT&R Offers Testing Services for AM Materials
Rapid 2018: Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research provides materials testing for powders, metals and as-built specimens.
Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research (WMT&R) materials testing laboratories offer services for materials created using additive manufacturing processes. This testing can help determine a material’s lightweight, high-performance or cost-efficient benefits.
WMT&R offers customizable test setups and an extensive scope for materials developmental needs. The company is capable of testing with load capacities ranging from grams to 1 million lbs, and testing temperatures from liquid helium to 3,000°F. It is equipped to test specimens in environmental conditions such as high humidity and immersion in fluids to mimic any real-world application or requirement.
WMT&R is capable of performing a wide range of test on various specimen geometries with specimen traceability services. Testing is available for materials such as powders, metals, as-built specimens and more. Comprehensive comparison testing and research services are offered for additive manufacturing and 3D-printed materials, including axial fatiguing, tensile, compression, shear and flexural tests, and more.