Solukon Upgrades Automated Powder Removal Units for Large Parts
Systems are now reinforced to handle larger parts and feature a joystick to improve and individualize controlling, and an optional impactor system for breaking up clogged powder bulks.
A new joystick used with SFM-AT-1000-S enables operators to move part in any desired position.
Solukon is equipping its SFM-AT1000-S and SFM-AT800-S depowdering units with several new features for optimizing the production handling of even larger and more complex components. Both systems are based on Solukon’s Smart Powder Recuperation (SPR) process, which removes residual powder from complex metal parts by unlimited and programmable part rotation and controlled vibration in a safety-controlled atmosphere.
Both systems are now reinforced to handle parts with larger dimensions. The SFM-AT800-S can now handle parts with a size up to 600 × 600 × 600 mm (XYZ) and a weight of 300 kg. The SFM-AT1000-S can now move parts with a size up to 600 × 600 × 1,000 mm (XYZ) and with a weight up to 800 kg.
A remote gimbal control in the form of a joystick has been added to both systems to improve and individualize controlling. By using this device, the part can be easily moved along any imaginal path with variable speed, the company says. The moving path and speed can be recorded simultaneously and later be used as an automatic program for serial cleaning. As in previous versions, the systems can also save single positions. Each position can later be manually optimized in the software and assigned by intelligent functions, including waiting time, vibrating, knocking and custom-made options, such as programmable blowing nozzles.
In response to facing more tough-to-handle powders, such as copper, Solukon upgraded both systems with an optional impactor system for breaking up clogged powder bulks. The SPR technology provides high frequent vibration to ensure a fluidization of the powder, the company says. Fluidization in this context means making the powder flowable, so that it can flow out of the finest channels and crevices. Materials such as copper and aluminum can exhibit sticky behavior and tend to clog in cavities. The impactor treats the part with finely tunable knocks to loosen the clogging.
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