
Support Structures and Build Layout Lead to Series of Fails — AM: Why the Failure? #4

A 3D printed piston crown illustrates the iterative path to success often part of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.

Energy & Power

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) Error Turns Nozzle Into Chess Piece — AM: Why the Failure? #3

Chess pieces are often 3D printed as demo parts, but this one was an accident! What happened? The answer involves heat transfer.


Metal 3D Printed Part Has Unplanned Feature, Not Part of the Design — AM: Why the Failure? #2

This component for the oil and gas industry features a shelf through the lattice structure that does not appear in the CAD model. How did it get there? The answer does not involve STL, but we talk about that anyway.


Metal 3D Printed Part Should Be Flat, Has Bubble — AM: Why the Failure? #1

What should have been a straightforward application of laser powder bed fusion to make a simple component in 316L stainless steel turned into a printing fail. See why the failure happened.
