Blue Photon Grip Pallets Simplify Parts Loading
Rapid + TCT 2022: The 150-mm, 225-mm and 300-mm square pallets are said to offer quick-change and adhesive workholding of complex and hard-to-hold parts for EDM, grinding, inspection, laser and milling operations.
The grip pallets are designed to simplify how parts are loaded, reduce scrap and increase spindle uptime. Photo Credit: Blue Photon
Blue Photon expands its adhesive workholding product line with five grip pallets and three new inserts for 52-mm and 96-mm quick-change receiver systems. The add-on are said to enable more holding applications using existing fixturing systems in machining centers. The grip pallets are designed to simplify how parts are loaded, reduce scrap and increase spindle uptime.
The 150-mm, 225-mm and 300-mm square pallets are said to offer quick-change and adhesive workholding of complex and hard-to-hold parts for EDM, grinding, inspection, laser and milling operations. According to the company, these pallets can hold parts securely, providing increased machining access on five to six surfaces, while using standardized fixturing systems already in place.
Blue Photon’s grippers are inserted into new external inserts, designed specifically for the Grip Pallets. The external inserts are available for use with small, medium and large grippers. The inserts are said to enable simple installation of the grippers at the required height for maximum holding power. The 150-mm square pallet is available in aluminum and steel with a 52-mm pattern for a quick-change receiver that will hold up to nine grippers. The 225-mm square pallet is available in aluminum and steel with a 96-mm pattern for a quick-change receiver that will hold up to 21 grippers. The 300-mm square pallet is available in aluminum with a 96-mm pattern for a quick-change receiver that will hold up to 33 grippers.
Each Grip Pallet includes two handles with multiple color choices and four spacers with a 25.4-mm standoff enabling the recommended nominal of 1 mm joint thickness between gripper and part. Clamp studs are optional and available for both 52-mm and 96-mm patterns for five-axis, Jergens, Lang and Mate systems.
The adhesive workholding process involves applying BlueG rip workholding adhesive to the grippers and curing through the grippers from the backside of the grip pallet with ultraviolet light for 60 seconds. By using grippers and eliminating clamps on top of the part, exceptional cutting tool access is achieved, the company says.
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